Home Party

Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage is hosting a new party called
HOME ~ Heart Of My Environment


Today because I have the sniffles, Home means comfort:

So I am wearing a pair of socks that I knitted

Wrapping up up in a cozy quilt

And drinking a huge cup of strong hot tea

Oh no that's to small

Ahhh...much better...


  1. Hello Faythe,
    Oh, I hope you're feeling better soon! Your socks are really cute and I love the floral teacup! Pumpkin Spice tea is sure to make you feel better. Thank you for linking up to my HOME party and enjoy your weekend.


  2. Hi there! I saw you are following my blog - thank you :) I am now following you and I look forward to future visits. I do hope you are feeling better. Your tea sounds quite good...maybe I will go make me a cup :)


  3. Hi Faythe...please come back and tell me which one you'd choose because that's the only way I can toss your name into the cap and I really want to toss your name in. Thanks so much for stopping by. Hope that you'll do it again. I so admire anyone who can knit her own socks. They look terrific. Feel better soon...

  4. Looks like my kind of day. I hope you are feeling better soon.

  5. Faythe:
    Thanks for becoming a follower of my blog. I hope you are on the mend and feeling better soon!
    I invite you to participate in my 2 blog parties - Friends Sharing Tea (on Wednesday)and in the summer I change the name to Tea In The Garden. Fridays I have "Open House" which is all about home, cooking, thrifting, antiquing, crafting, etc.


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